"KINGDOM KIDS" at B.S.B.C. consists of newborns through 6th graders. It is our goal to provide a safe and fun environment for your children to come and learn about Jesus. You will find a lot of information regarding the programs provided for children by connecting with us on facebook at
Kids Ministry - Bullard Southern Baptist Church.
You can also contact our Minister for Children and Families by calling (903) 894-9267 or email your questions to Stephen@BullardSouthern.com


Welcome to the student ministry of Bullard Southern Baptist Church.
Our mission is simple: Develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ - Disciples who make Disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). To do this, we concentrate our efforts on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how each of us should live with an outward focus on serving Jesus Christ and bringing Him glory. We teach students to Love God and Love People. Check back often to see the different ways we minister to the students and their families, as well as staying informed about upcoming events. Ignite Student Ministry is for students in 7th-12th grade.
Facebook: Bullard Southern Baptist Church - Ignite Student Ministry
Instagram: bsbc_youth
If you have any questions, please contact one of our Student Ministers.
Mike Bell Mike@BullardSouthern.com
Benjamin Rogers Benjamin@BullardSouthern.com
Ignite Student Ministry Goal
When Proverbs 22 states to “train up your child in the way he should go,” it is again reminding us that it is the responsibility of the parent to teach a child the ways of our Lord. Our student ministry objective is to assist and encourage parents as they accept this responsibility and seek to “train up your child.”
By providing family devotionals, training sessions, parent-child events and different publications, we hope to assist you in being more confident becasue you feel equipped to disciple and raise your child to fear and love the Lord. Through our student devotionals, weekend worship hours, mid-week Bible-studies and community building activities, as well as special student events we strive to assist you by reinforcing the truths you are teaching in your home.
Grounded - Sunday Morning
- Bible Study @ 9:15am
Ignite - Wednesday Evening
- Family Meal @ 6:00pm
- Small Groups @ 6:30pm
Deep Dive - Monday Evening
- Bible Study @ 5:00pm
Participation & Medical Relase Form- (must be on file for students to participate in church sponsored activities and trips) Click Here for Participation Form
Camp Fuego- You will need to have the Release Form filled out prior to getting on the van to go to camp. See Mike or Benjamin to get the proper forms as well as the Camp Rules and Packing List.

Sunday Morning
Adult Bible Study
Wednesday Evening​ Discipleship
Family Meal at 6:00 P.M.
(the cost is free-will offering) -
Women’s Ministry
Men's Ministry
Community Groups
We have a variety of Community Groups meeting on various nights and we are currently planning to start several more groups in the near future. Let us help you connect to one of these groups. It is a great way to meet new friends and get connected.
Please feel free to contact any of the staff or the church office at
(903) 894-9267 with questions about our various ministries.
BSBC is proud to offer a variety of adult ministries.
It is our prayer that everyone who connects with our faith family will be challenged toward spiritual maturity, be equipped to grow in Biblical literacy and be encouraged to serve in Kingdom ministry, so they might experience the fullness of God's blessing for their life.
If you continue reading, you can get an idea about our philosophy, plan and practice for developing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Currently, our Adult Bible Study classes on Sunday morning are all meeting together. As we continue to grow and more families return we will add more classes with a focus on the systematic teaching of the Bible in intergenerational learning environments.
Wednesday Evening Discipleship
Wednesday evenings begin with a Family Meal at 6:00 P.M. in the J.A.M. Room (Fellowship Hall located on the east end of the main building). The cost is based on a free-will offering.
Because of the varied needs of people, we strive to offer several discipleship options. As the Lord directs we will add or redefine classes as necessary. Our adult class structure is designed so that you can choose from various couple’s classes, or men’s and women’s classes depending upon your preference. Guests are encouraged to attend several classes to find the one that is most suitable to your current stage in life.
The Women’s Ministry provides fellowship, spiritual growth and ministry opportunities for ladies of all ages. Our goal is to offer activities that encourage growth in Christian living while promoting deep connections in Biblical Community.
Ladies Bible Studies, Conferences and Retreats are offered at various times and schedules during the year.
The Men’s Ministry organizes and plans periodic fellowships, Bible studies, and ministry opportunities for men. Events include: First Sunday Fellowship Breakfast, Community Events like Party in the Park (Free BBQ & entertainment), Church Workdays, & Bible Studies, etc. Our goal is to seek God’s guidance and direction in all programs and ministries to insure that we provide ample opportunity for Christian service and growth.

Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face continually.
-1 Chronicles 16:11
All the earth will worship Thee, and will sing praises to Thee; they will sing praises to Thy name.
-Psalm 66:4
Praise the Lord in song, for He has done excellent things.
-Isaiah 12:5
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." Psalm 150:6
That is the heart of our worship ministry. Our purpose is to glorify God and to lead His people in worship every time we gather with His people. We also stress that our worship is more than just what happens on Sunday morning, Sunday night or Wednesday night. We worship the Lord through our lifestyle everyday and as we gather each week as a body of believers we experience the overflow of walking with the Lord on a daily basis. From the youngest to the oldest, our purpose is to make disciples who lead others deeper with Jesus through the Worship Arts.
If you are interested in serving with our Worship Arts Ministry or would, simply, like to learn more about music while exploring your talents and gifts, please feel free to contact our office (903) 894-9267 for more information or to speak with our Music Minister, Chris Green. You can also email Chris@BullardSouthern.com

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
-Matthew 28:19-20
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
-Mark 16:15
The Missions Ministry exists to encourage and assist members in fulfilling the Great Commission. We work with para-church organizations and other ministries within the church to promote missions and provide opportunities for members to be involved in mission work at the local, state, national and world-wide levels.
We currently have an ongoing relationship with GOSENDME Global to support the work of taking the good news of Christ's Gospel to unreached and underserved peoples around the globe, with a specific focus for B.S.B.C. on Nepal. We have also had the privilege of working with Samaritan's Purse for disaster relief, Jody Kennedy International - teaching English and hosting evangelistic services in Nicaragua, Nehemiah’s Vision, a rebuilding ministry located in Vidor, Texas working on projects in Deweyville, High Island, Port Bolivar and Crystal Beach. Other teams have engaged the work in Colorado, Arkansas, Romania, China and South Africa.
We enjoy relationships with several local ministry organizations to serve ETX with Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Basket projects, canned food drives benefiting the Bullard Mission House and P.A.T.H. of ETX, Shoe Drive to benefit The Fostering Collective as well as helping local families with utility bills, gas and groceries.
We also cooperate with other Southern Baptist churches to support the Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions, Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions, and Lottie Moon Offering for Foreign Missions.

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.
-Psalm 141:2
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
-Psalm 145:18
Saturday Prayer
We encourage families to gather and pray together each Saturday evening sometime between 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. as a way to prepare for the Sunday gatherings and to intercede for Jesus' Church.
Pastor's Prayer Team
Each Sunday morning this team meets 10:15 a.m., in the Pastor's Office, to pray for our Worship Gathering and to invite the Holy Spirit to have His way.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8am - 11am
Tuesday & Thursday Exercise Class: 4:30pm
WHY FitSTEPS for Life®?
Many cancer patients are physically and mentally compromised as well as Socioeconomically distressed. There are no reimbursedrehabilitation programs for cancer patients by private insurance or Medicare. Commercial gyms are not only expensive; they can also be intimidating and unsafe for cancer survivors. FitSTEPS for Life® offers a shared experience for survivors and their families that create a camaraderie not seen in commercial gyms or hospital rehabilitation programs.
The program is unique in several respects:
Physician driven. A cancer patient’s physician is their strongest source of motivation to initiate and adhere to an exercise program. Physicians who support the FitSTEPS for Life® program provide medical clearance with appropriate safety restrictions.
Effectively and safely manages medically complex conditions. This aspect of the FSFL program is vitally important because 70% of cancer patients have coexisting diseases (heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis). It enables physician referral without reservation. By contrast, fractionation of medical care through sub-specialization could require multiple physician authorizations, which may significantly diminish physician participation.
Individualized. Every referred patient’s baseline physical and psychological function is evaluated to create a personalized and structured exercise program tailored to their needs.
Cost efficient. Medical costs and healthcare spending continue to skyrocket amid a deflated economy—presenting healthcare providers with unique challenges. FitSTEPS for Life® is inexpensive to implement with the capability to significantly reduce healthcare costs.
Fosters clinically applicable research in a community-based, real-life setting. As more and more cancer patients’ leverage the FitSTEPS for Life® program, their results will serve as valuable data for research evaluating the potential of exercise for improving cancer patients’ quality of life.
FitSTEPS for Life is not a ministry of Bullard Southern, but we are proud to support them as they care for individuals recovering from or battling cancer by offering space for them to operate.